Victoria Lucie
Production Associate
Victoria Lucie is an actor, singer and vintage model who works on both stage and screen.
Pre-Covid she made her West-End debut as Miss Casewell, in Agatha Christie’s: The Mousetrap.
She has extensive experience spanning 9 years in the industry having performed in feature film, short film, for TV, music videos, on stage from touring shows to pantomime, as a Scare Actor, children's entertainer, resident singer, presenter for the corporate and commercial environment - the list is endless. Victoria is a firm believer in making your own luck, and didn't train in the conventional sense - instead opting to learn on the job! Hailing from the Devon originally Victoria is now based in Midlands, regularly visiting London too.
She has recently appeared in the hit film 'On The Line' which has been nominated for a number of awards at festivals including numerous Best Actress Nominations.
Victoria is also a VOA and avid crocheter!